Parenting Resources I Love

7 Parenting Resources I love

One of the most wonderful things about parenting in the digital age is the constant access to resources. We can easily Google things like “normal newborn poop” or “why does my baby have zits?” or quickly find a video on YouTube of how to swaddle using a receiving blanket (I’ve done this at least 3 times). While our parents didn’t have this kind of access and raised most of us just fine, I love how easy it is to access information on parenting.

However, in those initial months of parenting, I found myself considerably overwhelmed with accounts, podcasts, websites, blogs, etc. on every single aspect of parenting. Everyone and their mother has an opinion on how to feed, clothe, bathe, burp…the list goes on. It can often make new moms feel inadequate/like they’re failing. The access to information is both a blessing and a burden.

As my parenting philosophy starts to really become solidified, I find myself gravitating towards accounts, content creators, and content that support parents in whatever choice they make, as long as it’s not putting baby in harm’s way. I love learning about varying parenting perspectives and choices and the research behind them, BUT at the end of the day, I want to feel supported in the choices I make for my children and for our family.

Below is a list of resources that I wish I had known about from Day 1 of parenting. I find these accounts to be largely supportive of parents/mothers in whatever choices they make for their families, and their content is SO helpful and research based. Feel free to add a comment of accounts/pages you love!


1. Karrie Locher 

  • Category: Babies, Breastfeeding, General Postpartum Care
  • Why I love her: Karrie is an RN, BSN CLC that provides advice for mothers on babies, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and general parenting. I can’t remember which friend told me to check out her page, but it’s been a huge help for our adjustment to life as parents. We purchased her “Bringing Home Baby” course on her website, and it has given me the confidence of parenting that I was really needing in those initial days. Her course talks about all things newborn (burping, bathing, feeding…all of the things!!) and how to adjust to life as parents. It’s well worth the money. She also has tons of resources on her Instagram highlights. 
  • Instagram: @karrie_locher
  • Website:

2. Peds Doc Talk Podcast

  • Category: General Parenting
  • Why I love this podcast: There are so many parenting podcasts available, but the Peds Doc Talk Podcast with Dr. Mona is my favorite one. Dr Mona is a board certified pediatrician, and a mother herself. She shares research based information, as well as anecdotal evidence about her own life. But what I love about her platform is that her goal is to help parents make the best decision for their families without pressuring into doing things a certain way. 
  • Instagram: @pedsdoctalk
  • Website:
  • Podcast: The PedsDocTalk Podcast


3. Solid Starts

  • Category: Feeding/solid foods
  • Why I love this account: Introducing Kassel to solid foods gave me major anxiety. I was so nervous about choking, and even though I am CPR certified, I was still so scared. Solid Starts has over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, and for good reason. The Solid Starts team is huge; they boast a massive roster of pediatricians, occupation therapists, speech language pathologists, and more. Their free app provides safe ways to introduce foods to babies (check out their first foods database) and their Instagram has TONS of videos/graphics about how to introduce/serve certain foods. It’s been my go to for when I wonder “is it safe for Kassel to eat xyz” or “how to serve xyz to a 9 month old”.
  • Instagram: @solidstarts
  • Website:

4. The Formula Mom

  • Category: Formula
  • Why I love this account: When we first made the decision with our pediatrician’s office to introduce formula, we had NO idea where to start. What brand do we choose? There are SO many resources for breastfeeding, but the lack of accessible resources about formula is where Mallory really came through for us (and a hundred thousand other parents). She’s a certified infant feeding technician and has actually worked for formula companies. Her goal is to help parents feel good and informed about using formula, despite the negative stigma that often comes with formula feeding. She covers things like normal formula poop, how to safely store/use formula, and debunks common formula misconceptions. If you’re considering formula feeding at all, even just supplementing, I would highly recommend checking out her page!!
  • Instagram: @theformulamom
  • Website:

5. Kids Eat In Color

  • Category: Solids/picky eating help
  • Why I love this account: While I try to typically limit the accounts I follow to one per category in order to avoid information overload, I love Kids Eat In Color. Like Solid Starts, this account has a team of experts behind the information (not just some random mom on the internet). They have great resources regarding food/eating, like how to talk about food, portion sizes, etc. Their approach to eating is very much “do what works best for your family” and is incredibly validating!
  • Instagram:
  • Website:

6. Big Little Feelings

  • Category: Parenting Tips
  • Why I love this account: I love that this account offers actual advice for toddler problems. Like literally they offer examples of what to say in certain situations/how to remain calm when your child is experiencing big feelings.
  • Instagram: @biglittlefeelings
  • Website:

7. Feeding Littles

  • Category: Baby/Toddler feeding
  • Why I love this account: I love the practical tips for feeding babies/toddlers that this account provides, like how to keep a toddler entertained at a restaurant, or what to do if your kid is taking huge bites of food (we’re still working on this one lol). Their content is guilt-free and takes a parent’s choice approach (meaning, whatever you decide is best for your family/kids is best is totally fine!!)
  • Instagram: @feedinglittles
  • Website:

I would love to know which parenting accounts/resources are your favorite! Drop a comment below to let me know!