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A detailed guide in what to see, do, and eat in the midwest and beyond!

Let's be friends!

I’m Megan, a mama from the Hoosier state. I’m a lover of coffee, former high school teacher, and seeker of adventure.

Welcome to my colorful corner of the internet! I’m so glad you’re here.

Take a look around!

A little Hangry? Find some of my favorite spots for the best bites.

Got the bug? Awesome guides for exploring coming your way.

We’re friends right? Grab a glass of wine and let’s get inside my head.

I know, I know, like who even is this girl?

a bite of indy

I’ve curated a list of hot spots for cool drinks and amazing food around the Indianapolis area.

Travel adventures

A detailed and honest guide to various cities around the US. Trust me, you don’t want to miss these!

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